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Vice Principal of the Kindergarten English Program receives additional training on new teaching methods in Montessori

  • 28 Apr 2023
  • 28 Apr 2023

On April 27, 2023, 20 leaders of the Westline and Northline English Kindergarten Program Team participated in a training course on new teaching methods, Montessori, the use of modern materials and equipment, and so on. Training for all teachers to ensure the quality of education and mental health of young children.

Ms. Ouk Sonyta, Trainer and Director of the Weslline Education Group Co. Ltd, said: “The additional training on this new teaching method will help to promote the education of young children to be more fully developed and more attractive to participate in learning. It also responds to new contexts. ”

For the upcoming new school year, this fun learning practice approach will be available across all Westline and Northline schools in all branches. "As young children need to develop physically, mentally, and socially, the school will promote teaching and learning methods through entertainment devices beyond the hour children use the phone," she said.