MoneyTree Program


MONEYTREE is the leading financial education provider in Asia Pacific. We specialize in financial education and aptitude development for children & teenagers (aged 6 to 17 years old). We look to educate children and youth to achieve a better financial future with clear and practical programs that’ll not only inspire them to understand, but also to nurture valuable lifelong skills. Designed to help today’s generation understand Money, Investment and Entrepreneurship, our programs takes place in a fun-filled, inspiring environment that simulates experiential real-world situations with over 100 subject modules.

While the pursuit of academic excellence is important in preparing our children for their future career, what is also EQUALLY (if not more) important is to ensure that they also develop other LIFE SKILLS. In fact, it is now viewed as the determinant factors for employers & business people in evaluating potential recruits.

Now, there are many life skills that one needs to acquire throughout his/her life time, but we have identified 4 CORE skills that functions as building blocks for the development of other skills.

They are:

  1. Presentation & Communication
  2. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
  3. Application (the ability to apply knowledge effectively)
  4. Financial Literacy
    1. Financial Knowledge
    2. Right attitude toward Money
    3. Peer Pressure Defense